
PLACE: L’ILE DU LEVANT – FRANCE (15.01.2022 – 25.01.2022)

Spanopoulos Group S.A. was awarded after an International Invitation to Tender to undertake

  • (i) the removal, recovery and proper disposal of the wreck of REINE d’ AZUR and any parts thereof, pollutants, debris, stores all appurtenances and equipment emanating from the yacht which suffered fire and sunk at 60m depth off the northern side of the island of L’ILE DU LEVANT – FRANCE, within a radius of 50m perimetric of the wreck site.

Tug CHRISTOS XXXIV of 55 tons BP, F/C IGNATIOS III of 400tons lifting capacity and the antipollution craft ANTIPOLLUTION 1 with the RHIBS were deployed and successfully performed the lifting of the wreck at 60m depth, the temporary placement of the wreck & its waste including the collected debris.

Floating crane Ignatios III was also be used, during the underwater operations, with the complete installation / de–installation of diving equipment of the diving company “EIRL APPLISUB” which was subcontracted to be involved in the recovery of the wreck and its debris collection and removal by means of F/C IGNATIOS III.

Fence booms deployed across the wreck site, covering the wreckage footprint and the complete working area of the crane / diving operations. During operations, absorbent booms remain deployed in the working area of the crane’s boom.

Following the successful wreck removal and recovery of the seabed an official ROV underwater survey within the contracted area completed in the satisfaction of French authorities’ representatives.
